Greetings from CCDAHSS (Edmonton 2014)

Deans of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences faculties are meeting in Edmonton currently.  Items on the agenda include Prioritization, Budgeting, Collective Bargaining, etc.

As a welcome to U of A, the deans were given a guided tour of the MacTaggart collection of Chinese imperial robes, prints, and scrolls.  The collection is a most generous gift to U of A, and the ways in which the material objects have been integrated into research and pedagogy is to be noted and commended.

December 6 is National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

It has been 24 years since the massacre at l’Ecole Polytechnique.  The Globe and Mail provides a short article explaining how and why commemorating the events of December 6 has become central to the national discussion of violence against women.

Lest we forget and for those too young to remember… the 14 women who died and those others who were wounded were seeking an education and were attacked solely for being women.

Art Wall

Student Still Life Project 2013

Student Still Life Project 2013

This year we will be using the walls in the Dean’s Office to exhibit FAVA student work.  This dynamic exhibit begins with work large charcoal pieces by Chelsea Bourget and Emily Leroux from Chris Johnston’s first year Art Fundamentals II class (2013).  You are welcome to drop by and view the works.